Site context
The site comprises the northern end of Mercers Row,located approximately a mile south of Cambridge North station and just north of Newmarket Road.
Mercers Row is bounded by Stourbridge Common to the north, a railway line to the east, Newmarket Road to the south and a residential area to the west.
Our proposals are split into two phases. We are bringing forward detailed proposals for Phase 1, which is located at the easternmost end of Mercers Row and currently comprises a vacant, derelict paper recycling facility and storage containers.
We are also bringing forward outline proposals for Phase 2, which reflect Wrenbridge’s longer-term ambition to redevelop additional parts of the site. The site of Phase 2 currently comprises a self-storage facility and three buildings, two of which are currently occupied by a nursery and soft play centre. No redevelopment will occur until the occupiers’ leases expire.
Policy context
The Local Plan notes Cambridge’s need for more employment space, due to a predicted 22,100 new jobs being created in Cambridge between 2018 and 2031. Cambridge City Council has identified Mercers Row as a protected industrial site, making it a key area for new light industrial floorspace to support Cambridge’s growing economy.